Provost's Initiatives

Provost's Investment Fund
The Office of the Provost is pleased to invite semi-annual requests for proposals for funding from the Provost Investment Fund (PIF). It is designed to ensure that we can be nimble and proactive in funding high-impact projects that align with the University’s strategic goals and support our ambitions for institutional excellence and distinctiveness. Funding comes from the annual allocation from the Activity Informed Budgeting (AIB) model.
Salary Equity Review for Career Track Faculty
The University of Arizona is deeply committed to fair and equitable pay for all of its employees. Accordingly, in the fall of 2022, we have completed a comprehensive review of base salary among career track (CT) faculty, building on the salary equity review for tenure track faculty that was completed in Spring 2020.
Salary Equity Review for Tenure / Tenure Eligible Faculty
The University of Arizona is deeply committed to paying comparable salaries for comparable work for all of its employees, regardless of gender, race and ethnicity. Accordingly, we have recently completed a comprehensive review of base salary among tenured and tenure-eligible (T/TE) faculty. The notices of salary adjustments were issued to affected faculty directly during the week of 9 March 2020.
Student Success District
The Student Success District is the place that drives students’ 24/7 development through an array of student support services and spaces based on collaborative, hands-on learning with deep technological engagement. The nine-acre District is also uniquely situated in one easy-to-find location on the University campus. Inspired by student input, we are committed to ensuring that the district provides all students with seamless access to the resources and expertise they need to reach their academic and career goals.
General Education Refresh
As students’ academic needs evolve and the world grows more complex, it is clear that the opportunity to update and improve general education at the University of Arizona is of utmost importance. With support from the university strategic plan, a committee of professors, students, and staff have worked diligently to build a curriculum that anticipates the needs of tomorrow’s students, and allows flexibility for individualized career paths.