Faculty Resources
Faculty and Staff Safety
The University is committed to creating a safe environment that meets the needs of our community including faculty and staff. Learn more about what to do when you receive threats of physical harm.
Promotion and Tenure
The promotion and tenure review process for tenure and continuing eligible faculty and professionals occurs annually. Within the general guidelines, promotion criteria are to be developed by the faculty members, continuing academic professionals and the head or director in each department, and approved by and filed with the dean and the Provost. The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs initiates the mandatory promotion process by conducting annual workshops.
All faculty must be formally evaluated on their performance once every twelve months to ensure accountability to the University community and the citizens of Arizona. Each annual review shall include the past three to five calendar years of the individual faculty member's performance, with substantial emphasis on the current year for evaluation of teaching.
Given, our adoption of institutional values of Inclusive Excellence across campus, the broad diversity of our faculty is one of our most vital resources. Therefore, we will continue to support the efforts to pro-actively create robust faculty candidate pools that fully tap the availability of talent. Recruiting diverse faculty supports Inclusive Excellence and our overall strategic goals to prepare students to lead, live, and work in highly diverse contexts.
Faculty Life
The University is deeply committed to faculty members in achieving their goals by creating a supportive environment. We offer a rich array of resources and networks for faculty.
Honors and Awards
The University of Arizona's faculty are globally recognized for their leadership, scholarship, and service by world-renowned academic societies and programs. We recognize outstanding faculty through various honors and awards.
Internal Grants and Funding Opportunities
A various number of funding opportunities are available for faculty members to apply such as Provost's Author Support Fund, internal research grants, and Provost's Investment Fund (PIF).