Spring 2021 PIF Report
Updated 2:30 p.m. April 5, 2021
This report is to share the outcomes for the Spring 2021 Provost's Investment Fund (PIF) competitive round. On December 7th, 2020, the Office of the Provost solicited proposals that would:
(i) promote growth and opportunities to generate new revenues to the institution
(ii) increase students’ success, graduation, and retention, especially for underrepresented groups
(iii) promote diversity and inclusion.
We received 98 amazing proposals, for a total of approximately $14.4M in funds. The proposals were categorized into three categories: Academic Program, Research, and Student/Employee Program and were evaluated by three advisory committees consisting of diverse students, faculty, and staff.
Category | number of proposalS |
Academic Program | 29 |
Research | 27 |
Student/Employee Program | 42 |
TOTAL | 98 |
The following proposals are approved for funding for one or two years based on the recommendations of the committees and alignment with our institutional strategic priorities.
Category | UNIT name | proposal title | APPLICANT | Team members | TOTAL amount |
Academic Program | College of Law | Legal Paraprofessional Certificate Program | Keith Swisher |
Linus Kafka & Mark Blair |
$174,000 |
Academic Program | College of Fine Arts, Arizona Arts | Stories Travel: To advance the key goals for diversity and recruitment and speaks directly to UArizona’s land grant mission | Kerryn Negus | Andrew Belser, Joe C. Klug, Yuri Makino & Hank Stratton | $187,000 |
Academic Program | College of Nursing | Enhancing Arizona Nursing Inclusive Excellence (E-ANIE) | Steve Machtley | David Celaya-Gonzalez, Erin Coleman, Madelyn Davis,Leslie Dupont, Andrea Fischer, Jill Hagaman, Deborah Nesbitt, Lydia Parra, Graciela Silva Torres & Silvia Xu | $184,000 |
Academic Program | College of Applied Science & Technology | Undergraduate Data Literacy: An Interdisciplinary, Community-Informed, Teaching and Research Program | Li Xu & Sheena Brown | $161,000 | |
Academic Program | College of Education | Borderlands Education Center Development Project | Etta Kralovec & Nadia Alvarez | Iliana Reyes & Alison Van Gorp | $171,000 |
Research | College of Medicine-Tucson | The National Summer Undergraduate Research Project (NSURP), a Platform for Engaging Underrepresented Minorities in STEM | Michael Johnson | David A. Baltrus & Corey Knox | $128,000 |
Research | Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health | The Stewardship of Indigenous Peoples’ Data at the University of Arizona | Stephanie Carroll | Felina Cordova-Marks, Ibrahim Garba, Nirav Merchant, Claudia Nelson & Megan Senseny | $90,000 |
Research | College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture | Climate-Positive Building Lab | Jonathan Bean | Dom Boccelli | $171,000 |
Student/Employee Program | College of Engineering | Engineering Access, Greater Equity & Diversity (ENGAGED) Program | David Hahn | Kathleen Melde, James Baygents, Noel Hennessey, Kelly Ratliff & Marisa Pope-Malings | $187,000 |
Student/Employee Program | Diversity and Inclusion | The Second Year Edge: Peer Mentoring Program to Support the Retention of Men of Color | Jane Pizzolato | Julian Juan, Ramon Lopez Serrano & Stephanie Noriega | $97,000* |
Student/Employee Program | College of Humanities | Graduate Writing Institute | Andrea Holm | Karen Barto, Jen Glass, Nadia Moraglio & Tammy Cox | $30,000 |
TOTAL | $1,580,000 |
Additional funding was provided from the Federal CARES Act allocation set aside for Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI), for the proposals below:
category | unit name | proposal title | applicant | team members | total amount |
Student/Employee Program | Division of Agriculture, Life, and Veterinary Sciences and Cooperative Extension | Building a Student Basic Needs Infrastructure | Daniel McDonald | Melanie Hingle & Lucas Schalewski | $174,155 |
Student/Employee Program | College of Medicine - Tucson | Peer Support Specialist Training for Native Americans: A New Approach to Expand Behavioral Health Services in Arizona’s Native American Communities | Teshia Solomon | James Cunningham, Cheryl Glass, David Delawder & Rita Romero | $199,154 |
Student/Employee Program | Graduate and Professional Student Council (Graduate College) | GPSC Promising Practice Grants | Shilpita Sen | $8,000 | |
Academic Program | College of Social and Behavioral Sciences | Antiracist Vertical Writing Across the Curriculum: A Coalition of Support for Students and Faculty | Aimee Mapes | Rochelle (Shelley) Rodrigo & Nick Cenegy | $199,972 |
Academic Program | Office of Research, Innovation, and Impact | Confluence Border Lab Fellowships | Javier Duran | Daniel E Martinez, Anita Elizabeth Huizar Hernandez, David Taylor & Colin M Deeds | $194,242 |
TOTAL | $775,523 |
Demographic data for the funded proposals

Our sincere gratitude to Marla Franco, Assistant Vice Provost, Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Initiatives, and the committee members who reviewed the proposals and provided their expertise and insights to this important process.
Academic Program Review Committee
Greg Heileman, Vice Provost, Undergraduate Education, Academic Administration
John Pollard, Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, The Honors College
Kyle Diroberto, Associate Professor, College of Applied Science and Technology
Molly Bolger, Associate Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Ron Hammer, Professor, Basic Medical Sciences
Shilpita Sen, President, Graduate and Professional Student Council
Research Review Committee
Jamie Boehmer, Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies, College of Veterinary Medicine
Jane Zavisca, Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies, College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
John O’Neil, Vice President, Research Development, Research Innovation & Impact
Rebecca Gomez, Interim Associate Dean for Student Academic Success, College of Science
Simmons Buntin, Director, Marketing and Communications, CAPLA
Student/Employee Program Review Committee
Bill Neumann, Professor of Practice, Management Information Systems
Jeffrey Jones, Information Technology Support Analyst, Senior, UITS
Jennifer Lawrence, Manager, Business-Finance, Neuroscience
Kimberly Jones, Vice Dean, Academic Affairs-College of Humanities
Linda Denno, Associate Dean, College of Applied Science and Technology