Provost Business Office

Provost Business Office
Welcome to the Provost Business Office webpage. We provide support, services, and resources in the following business functions for most of the non-academic units under the Office of the Provost: Budget & Finance, Human Resources, Purchasing & Accounts Payable, Travel, IT, and Facilities.
Arid Lands Studies, 1955 E 6th St, Tucson, AZ 85719
Finance and Budget
The Finance & Budget team provides support on financial transactions and the All-Funds budget process. Browse frequently used resources and forms, such as pcard, procurement, travel, and reimbursements.
As part of our HR Modernization efforts, a new Contact page has been added to the HR website, where you can easily access request forms, HR Generalist Team contact information, email addresses, and more.
IT & Facilities
Find information such as obtaining keys and CatCard, access provisioning, software licenses, and IT support.