Provost Business Office
Provost Business Office
Welcome to the Provost Business Office webpage. We provide support, services, and resources in the following business functions for most of the non-academic units under the Office of the Provost: Budget & Finance, Human Resources, Purchasing & Accounts Payable, Travel, IT, and Facilities.
Arid Lands Studies, 1955 E 6th St, Tucson, AZ 85719
Finance and Budget
The Finance & Budget team provides support on financial transactions and the All-Funds budget process. Browse frequently used resources and forms, such as pcard, procurement, travel, and reimbursements.
Human Resources
The Human Resources team provides support to various units on campus. Browse frequently used resources such as our policies and procedures and our process requests.
IT & Facilities
Find information such as obtaining keys and CatCard, access provisioning, software licenses, and IT support.