Spring 2023 PIF Report
Updated 8:00 a.m. April 17, 2023
In early January 2023, the Office of the Provost solicited from faculty and staff proposals that were innovative, aspirational, aligned with the University's strategic plan, and followed these institutional priorities:
- Increasing student success, including graduation and retention rates, especially for groups underrepresented within the relevant disciplines.
- Promoting growth and opportunities to generate new revenue for the institution.
- Expanding student experiential learning.
- Enhancing research capacity.
- Promoting diversity and inclusion.
We received sixty-three outstanding proposals requesting funds totaling approximately $9.3 million. The proposals were evaluated by peer review committees consisting of diverse members of the faculty and staff. We are delighted to be able to fund proposals that embody the innovation and the continued pursuit of excellence in support of the mission of the University of Arizona. Ten proposals are approved for funding for a total amount of $1,572,600 for two years.
Proposal Title | Unit Name | Applicant/Team Leader/PI/Team Members | Approved Amount |
RAMPS: Ranked Analysis of Major Programs System | Office of Undergraduate Education | Kian Alavy, Greg Heileman & Sharon Aiken-Wisniewski | $167,750 |
Redesigning the Chemical Foundations and Opening an Innovative Degree Path | Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Science | Vicente Talanquer, Tara Archuleta, Deirdre Belle-Oudry, Dom McGrath, Oliver Monti & Juliana Sacoman | $158,900 |
An Educational Platform for Water Sustainability in a Changing World | Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, College of Science | Laura Lotter-Condon, Garry Forger & Jill Williams | $148,400 |
The Wonder Room: A Much Needed Multimedia Laboratory to Train the Next Generation of Journalists in Local, Global and Borderland Settings | School of Journalism, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences | Jessica Retis, Monica Chadha, Ruxandra Guidi & Liliana Soto | $108,900 |
Increasing Access to Veterinary Education Through Augmented Reality | College of Veterinary Medicine | Athena Ganchorre, Bryan Carter & Teresa Brett | $183,250 |
Nursing XR Studio | College of Nursing | Peg Kearney, Cisco Abril, Steve Machtley, Janine Hinton, Manny Castro & Mark Mathesen | $75,000 |
Development of Molecular Brain Surgery Tools | Department of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine-Phoenix | Hee-Dae Kim, Deveroux Ferguson & Shenfeng Qiu | $136,500 |
Construction of Venusian Atmospheric Models in Preparation for the Decade of Venus | Department of Planetary Sciences, College of Science | Sukrit Ranjan & Tyler Robinson | $193,900 |
Native People's Design Coalition | School of Architecture, CAPLA | Laura Carr, Claudia Nelson, Trent Teegerstrom & Levi Esquerra | $200,000 |
UArizona Wonder Mobile HSTEM Lab: Connecting Native Communities to HSTEM | Family and Community Medicine, College of Medicine - Tucson | Teshia Solomon, Kristen Rundell, Celina Valencia & Nina Halvax | $200,000 |
TOTAL | $1,572,600 |
Review Committee
Our sincere gratitude to the committee members who reviewed the proposals, provided their expertise and insights into this important process, and provided constructive feedback to the applicants.
- Alex Lynch, Senior Lecturer, Disability & Psychoeducational Studies
- Alicia Marie Allen, Associate Professor, Family and Community Medicine
- Amelia Herb, Lecturer, English
- Ashley C. Jordan, Associate Professor of Practice, Psychology
- Barb Vandervelde, Manager, Faculty Support, College of Law
- Bo Yang, Associate Dean, Research, College of Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture
- Carla M Priebe, Financial Coordinator, Provost Business Office
- Frances Miller, Manager, Data Strategy, Digital Experience Technology
- Gawain Douglas, Director, Campus Communications and Publications, UAHS Communications
- Iqbal Hossain, Director, Research Data Science, Research Innovation & Impact
- Kate Shea, Global Professor, English
- Kian Gordon Alavy, Program Coordinator, Data Analyst / Wildcat Leap, Academic Administration
- Laura Surdeanu, Data Analyst, University Analytics and Institutional Research
- Leah Chung-Kuan Langlais, Manager, Venture Development - Life Sciences, Tech Launch Arizona
- Mary E Venezia, Chief of Staff, Enrollment Management, Enrollment Management
- Matthew Roundy, Data Analyst, University Analytics and Institutional Research
- Nathania Guadalupe Garcia, Adjunct Instructor, Mexican American Studies
- Pablo Pablo Rocha, Specialist, CALS ASEMS Student Transfer, CALS Career & Academic Services
- Prashant Sharma, Researcher/Scientist III, College of Medicine-Phoenix Child Health
- RA Kashanipour, Assistant Professor of Practice, History
- Ronald P Hammer, Professor, Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine-Phoenix Basic Medical Sciences
- Sarah Joy Locke, Assistant Clinical Professor, College of Nursing
- Steve Machtley, Assistant Dean, Learning - Healthcare Technology Innovations, College of Nursing
- Wendy M Epley, Principal Analyst, Information Security, Information Security Office
- Zafer Mutlu, Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
* Conflict of interest (COI) taken into consideration when selecting the review committees.
Demographic Data of the Funded Applicants


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