Provost's Investment Fund Reports

Provost's Investment Fund Reports

Updated 9:30 a.m. December 18, 2024

The Office of the Provost asks that each funded project deliver a report at the end of the fiscal year. Projects that include multi-year funding requests are required to submit annual progress reports at the end of each fiscal year before future funding is disbursed. The report should contain the following components:

•    Actual versus expected outcomes, including strategic impacts and how they were measured.
•    Details on how the funding was utilized, including any additional funding sources.
•    Planned next steps or future work, and the sustainability plan for the project beyond the PIF investment.

The reports contribute to transparent reporting to campus constituents on the allocation of the Provost's Investment Fund (PIF). The report will be shared with the Provost Leadership Team, Provost's Council, Deans' Council, and the President's Senior Leadership Team, and will be publicly available on the this website.

The Office of the Provost issues an annual report that describes the amount collected through the Strategic Investment for a given fiscal year, the number of funding requests received and the number funded for each submission window, the amount expended from the Fund, a description of the projects and programs funded, and the amount received by each unit. The annual report of the Provost’s Investment Fund will be communicated through various internal channels and posted on the Office of the Provost’s website.

Fiscal Year End Reports

During Fiscal Year 2023-2024, the Office of the Provost received an allocation of $24,022,729 from the university strategic allocation to fund the Provost’s Investment Fund (PIF). A total of $19,849,727 was allocated to initiatives and transferred from PIF to the colleges and units.

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During Fiscal Year 2022-2023, the Office of the Provost received an allocation of $24,022,729 from the Activity Informed Budgeting (AIB) budget model to fund the Provost’s Investment Fund (PIF). A total of $23,867,752 was allocated to initiatives (see Table 1) and transferred from PIF to the colleges and units.

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During Fiscal Year 2021-2022, the Office of the Provost received an allocation of $24,022,729 from the Responsibility Centered Management (RCM) budget model to fund the Provost’s Investment Fund (PIF). A total of $18,226,857 was allocated to initiatives and transferred from PIF to the colleges and units.

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In Fiscal Year 2020-2021, the Office of the Provost received an allocation for $18,290,667 from the Responsibility Centered Management (RCM) budget model to fund the Provost’s Investment Fund (PIF). The Office of the Provost provided additional funding to PIF where a total of $22,499,160 was committed to the colleges and units.

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In Fiscal Year 2019/2020, PIF received an allocation for $17,721,982 from the Responsibility Centered Management (RCM) budget model. A total of $23,797,313 was committed to the colleges and units, in which $19,500,225 was allocated to operational initiatives and $4,297,088 was for strategic initiatives awarded through competitive submissions. From these commitments, over $22 million was transferred from PIF to colleges and units across campus to support various programs and initiatives.

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Past PIF Awardees

In Fall 2024,  the Office of the Provost received an impressive 87 proposals totaling $13.55 million in funding requests. Following a rigorous evaluation by peer review committees comprised of diverse faculty and staff members, eleven exceptional proposals have been selected for two-year funding for a total of 1,355,600. 

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In total, eleven exceptional proposals are approved for two-year funding from the seventy-seven proposals submitted this Fall 2023 cycle. With over $11.5 million requested and $1,347,000 available to award.

We received sixty-three outstanding proposals requesting funds totaling approximately $9.3 million. The proposals were evaluated by peer review committees consisting of diverse members of the faculty and staff. We are delighted to be able to fund proposals that embody the innovation and the continued pursuit of excellence in support of the mission of the University of Arizona. Ten proposals are approved for funding for a total amount of $1,572,600 for two years.

We received 64 outstanding proposals requesting funds totaling approximately $9.1M. The proposals were evaluated by peer review committees consisting of diverse faculty, students, and staff. Nine proposals below have been awarded funding totaling $1,464,200 for two years.

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On Jan. 13, the Office of the Provost solicited proposals from faculty and staff that were innovative, aspirational, aligned with the University's strategic plan, and the institutional priorities. Thirteen (13) proposals are approved for funding based on the recommendations of the committees and alignment with our institutional strategic and funding priorities and mission as HSI. Nine (9) proposals are funded from the Provost’s Investment Funds for a total of $1,069,097 for two years. Additional funding is provided to fund four (4) from the Federal CARES Act allocation set aside for Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), for a total of $561,648.

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We received 75 great proposals, for a total of approximately $10.7M in funds. The proposals were evaluated by five peer review committees consisting of diverse faculty and staff. 18 proposals are approved for funding, based on the recommendations of the committees and alignment with our institutional strategic and funding priorities. The Office of the Provost funds thirteen (13) of the proposals submitted, representing approximately $1.5M over two years. Additional funding was provided from the Federal CARES Act allocation set-aside for Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) to fund five (5) proposals for over $820,000. 

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We received 98 amazing proposals, for a total of approximately $14.4M in funds. The proposals were evaluated by three advisory committees consisting of diverse students, faculty and staff. The Office of the Provost funds eleven (11) of the proposals submitted, representing approximately $1.58M over two years. Additional funding was provided from the Federal CARES Act allocation set-aside for Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) to fund five (5) proposals for over $775,000. 

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We received 68 proposals, requesting approximately $9.8M in funds. From the 68 proposals submitted: 55 were new submissions and 13 were re-submissions, with 60% led by males and 40% led by females. The total investment made $397,407.

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On September 5th, 2019 the Office of the Provost issued a campus-wide call for proposals to the Provost Investment Fund (PIF). When the submission window closed on October 1st, 2019, we had received 86 proposals from campus colleagues, requesting approximately $12.5M in funds over a 3-year investment window. The Office of the Provost funds twelve (12) of the proposals submitted, representing approximately $1.6M over three years. These investments will launch or underpin proposals in ten (10) units across campus.

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In Spring 2019, 37 proposals were submitted asking for approximately $50M in funds over a 3-year investment cycle with nine of those approved for a total amount of $5,489,142 after review by an advisory committee and the provost. 

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Nina Bates

Director of Operations and Strategic Initiatives